Friday, July 15, 2011

1940's farm life

Everyone's family history started on the farm and in the fields. If you didn't grow your food you would cease to live. A very simple and basic fact of life, yet because of modern conveniences and grocery stores so many people today don't grow any food whatsoever and don't have the knowledge on how to go about it. That to me is very scary to be so reliant on others to do it for you. With this recent economic downfall I know it's made many want to be even more self reliant. With a little trial and error and a visit to your local library anyone can grow their own food without a big upfront expense.

I came across some pictures of depression era farm life about 70 years ago without all the modern conveniences and medicines we have been blessed with today.

Farms of America in color 1939-1943: Life on the Farm | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Life then was alot of hard work, more than anyone now has had to endure. When I took a look at them I could see the daily struggles right on their faces as plain as day. Their dirt stained clothing and their callous toughened hands. I feel for them- how could you not?

My post for today is merely this become more self reliant. If you've never grown any food go out and buy either plants or some seeds, read up on gardening at your local library. Since we're already into full swing summer find things you can grow in the late summer and into fall like lettuce, beets, beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, collards, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, mustard greens, onions, peas, radishes, spinach, swiss chard, turnips or even garlic. There's still many things you can grow this season so there's no excuse. Don't put it off another year go out and get yourself ready for next year and read, read, read!


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