Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Simpler times

Simpler times.

 back when fun meant late night lightning bug excursions and the excitement when someone caught one to put into an old mason jar.....

when cool was the sound of a baseball card stuck in your bicycle wheel while you were cruising down the street with your friends...

making friendship bracelets and gum wrapper chains....

skipping rocks.... 

when a day spent outside playing baseball with the neighborhood kids was a daily occurrence....

a warm gooey marshmallow that was roasted to perfection over a campfire for your very own smores.....

when the whole family got together regularly just to eat dinner.....

the thrill of staying out past dark just to hold your own sparkler.....

being given a huge slice of watermelon not only to enjoy but for those pit spitting contests off the back stoop...

making a fort using blankets and chairs and whatever adventures your imagination presented...

getting out of breath playing tag....

picking dandelions for Mom....

Simpler times.

You know what I mean....

before video games... when kids had to use their own imagination. 

before childhood obesity.... when kids played outside all day.

before couch potatoes..... when going camping was the thing to do as a family vacation.

before the endless supply of high tech gadgets....when Lincoln Logs and marbles were the cool games to have.

When less was more.

When family was the most important thing.

When money was saved and time was spent.

When kids could be kids. 

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