Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Chicken whisperer

My very own chicken whisperer.
 Who knew.

Out of all the chickens we have (Rhode Island Red, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Polish & Barred Rocks) the Barred Rocks are by far the friendliest girls we have. They love to be picked up and petted, and they hang around us for a little love and affection. When you're bending down if your leg is vacant, they are quick  to hop up  to say hello. The Polish is the least friendly and the Rhode Island Red and Silver Laced Wyandottes are somewhere in between the two extremes. We were originally going to get all Barred Rocks but the variety we have is very pleasing to the eye. Only about 4 more months before we gather our own farm fresh free range eggs- how awesome is that!

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