Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Garden's a growin'

 The garden's growing by leaps and bounds lately especially the squash which probably had something to do with the massive amounts of rain we received.

 My mouth waters just thinking about the Butternut, yellow summer, romanesco, zucchini, white scallop and rampicante squash we'll be harvesting in the next couple of months!

We are trying luffa this year and if we have success you will have a chance to win some for yourself.
 The Rampicante squash we have growing on a vine as it will overtake everything in it's path- similar to Little Shop of Horrors! The squash will get to be around 2- 3ft long and you can harvest them as a summer squash or a winter squash- how cool is that! I plan on having a seed giveaway of this awesome squash.

Then there's the tomato plants Cherry, Roma and Black Krim. I can't wait to bite into the red juiciness fresh from the dirt in my little old garden! ( I bet your mouth is watering about now! )

The thyme plant from last year is in full bloom now. I love to take some red wine vinegar dressing or balsalmic vinagrette and put some fresh thyme gently crushed into the bottle and let it's tasty flavoring intermingle in the dressing. Give it some time in the bottle the longer it's in there the stronger it'll taste.

The lettuce patch is doing great and the cabbage is getting big (think corned beef and cabbage with onions, potatoes and carrots). All the cucumber plants have a bunch of flowers on them. I hope we have better success this year with the cucumbers.

We have a few rogue tomato plants that came up from last year, which in my opinion is awesome. Can you spot the tomato plant in the lettuce patch?

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