Friday, September 16, 2011

Got Gnats?

One of the problems people who garden and who always have produce out on their counter (or a half eaten apple under a certain kids bed *ahem*) may face is a problem with gnats (aka fruit flies). I must admit this is something I have had to face recently. I was vacuuming them up which worked pretty well since they are slow as molasses, but after a while the 'fun factor' was lost. So instead I made a handy dandy bug catcher to lure bugs with a sweet tooth, those that rummage through your trash while you're not looking and those that love to attack your fresh tomatoes on the counter. Be fore warned this is a more natural remedy which takes time to work and is not like the chemical sprays that kills everything it touches immediately. If patience is not one of the virtues that has been bestowed upon you, then read no further.

First you will need a glass (or a container) and a piece of paper to make a funnel that will be placed into it. after you made a funnel and tape it to maintain shape, cut the tip off it so there's a little hole for the gnats to go through.

Next pour some apple cider vinegar into container along with a tiny bit of water and a couple drops of soap. You will need to make sure you don't pour so much in that the tip of the funnel touches the bug lure concoction. Lastly place the funnel into the container and secure firmly so the bugs, once inside the container cannot get out (I used tape). I also cut the funnel so it's even around the top.

The bug lure concoction will maintain it's magical bug attracting abilities for approx. a week. Place your handy dandy bug catcher near where they are lingering or even beside the food those evil little vegetarians are dive bombing.

 If you look closely you can see all the little bugs in the bottom of the glass.
 ~* evil laugh *~


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