Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A good read: Organic Manifesto

I recently read The Organic Manifesto by Maria Rodale.

This book, in my opinion, is an eye opener regarding organic vs. herbicide/pesticide rich foods that are 'the norm' in our grocery stores. It sings the praises of having mycorrhizal fungi in soil, which is lacking in soils where pesticides, etc are used. One interesting fact The Organic Manifesto brought out is that certain strains of soil borne bacteria not only stimulate the human immune system, but also boost serotonin levels ( low serotonin levels are tied to depression ). Eating veggies that were grown organic have far reaching benefits to us and our earth. I always look for books that can help me grow in one aspect or another in my life. It's a book I couldn't put down and made me want to do more than I am already doing now.

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