Friday, May 27, 2011

Gardens and chickens

 The weather has gotten drier and warmer this week, thank goodness! I was able to get a bit more done on the coop. So far this week walls, windows and exterior trim in the chicken coop are completely finished. We went thru a gallon of primer already but the coop is only 80% primed. Today I screwed down the floor in the chicken coop and hopefully this weekend the vinyl will get installed. We need to attach the doors and get some wood for the ceiling  to keep the creatures from trespassing and making one (or all) of our pullets (young female chickens) a midnight snack. I promise to post some pics the next day or so for all to see the slow progress I am making!

This evening we did add a new bed for our herbs and to thin out our lettuce bed a bit. My sister recently moved and gave me what I thought was mint, but after transplanting it into the herb bed my cat proved me wrong- it was really catnip! We put some great mushroom soil into the bed, which we had also put into the other beds last year and had great success. I planted half of the herbs tonight that were waiting to be planted and will finish tomorrow. This morning I watered the garden with Fish Emulsion and I swear the plants grew today, though i am sure all the rain we've had really was the reason.

 Apparently last year I missed some potatoes, so we can now add potatoes to the list of veggies. Hopefully this year we won't grow any R rated potatoes, which my husband thoroughly enjoyed showing everyone he could. The girls are getting big and have been enjoying their days outside basking in the sun and unfortunately trespassing into the garden. Can't wait til the little brats get too big to squeeze through the fence!

What a wonderful evening we had here. I love it when the heat of the day dies and the coolness of evening sets in with the frogs and bugs singing merrily deep within the woods. It's nights like tonight that I desperately wish for a hammock to softly sway my tired body while I listen to our creek bubbling it's little secrets one after another. Deep beyond the woods our peacock friends shout out like the old time newspaper boys sharing their most important message of the day. Enjoy, the weekend is finally here!

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