Friday, April 8, 2011

Help not wanted

      I must confess I LOVE to grow stuff. All growing up my family has always had a veggie garden. It, in my opinion, is something that I thought all people do...well until recently. I am actually stunned that not everyone shares my passion to 'grow'... well more like an obsession really.

     I had recently moved back up north last summer after living in Fl for a decade (never thought that was ever going to happen) and ofcourse I am totally psyched to plant a garden again this year. I always try to make it a family affair, however my husband usually just does it to amuse me (yeah i got you figured out!). I gave him tomato seeds and a continer and said to 'just sprinkle them in there' so he, with the kids help, dumped ALL the seeds in. Long story short...over 200 Roma plantlets are up and that doesn't include the Big Boys, Cherrys or the Black Krim. I've already ran out of dirt a number of times as i've repotted them all and I started to use plastic cups to try to stretch the last bags of dirt as far as possible 'cause the pots that are remaining are quite large. Mental note for next year : Help Not Wanted.


    We are renting and only have room for 9 tomato plants. Not to mention all the other seeds we had also planted that have shown their little green heads. My house seriously looks like Little Shop of Horrors!'s about time!

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