Thursday, April 21, 2011

Girls, girls, girls!

     Well as of yesterday our family has grown by 7. We have 7 fluffy balls of adorableness! Each of my kids picked out a chick along with my hubby and I got 3 of the variety I was going there for originally. We have 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, a Rhode Island Red, a White Polish and 3 Barred Rocks. The kids have off the next 5 days so the decision was made to get chicks now so the kids could fully enjoy them. This has been a much anticipated occasion, one where questions and talks over dinner about what they eat, where they sleep and past chicken experiences have been shared over the past few years. The two things that they 'required' in a house when we made the BIG move was 1) a house with stairs (Fl houses are usually 1 level)  and 2) a place that allowed chickens. I guess it's time my kids made a new list!


3 Barred Rocks

Rhode Island Red

White Polish

2 Silver Laced Wyandottes

A FUNNY NOTE: The White Polish chick has a fluffy afro which will be replaced by feathers, but according to my daughter it's because she has a bigger brain! The same kid who also wanted me to get toys that chicks like to play with....ha ha ha!
     So our family dream is slowly coming to fruition. We have moved closer to family, have a garden (although small) and now the pitter patter of 14 little feet that will feed and nourish our bodies and I hope to soon hear the 'buzz' of progress on this 'mini farm'.

     Now that we've got the peeps next we're looking for a free small shed or scrap wood so we can make a coop and a chicken tractor. We've been on the lookout but haven't secured one yet, we have about a month before they'll be too big for the cardboard box. Stay tuned...

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