Saturday, April 23, 2011

Chick tips

For all the future chicken owners out there I thought I'd post some tips to starting your chicks our right.

The chick minimum for hatchery deliveries is approx 15 to 25 chicks and a farm store is approx 6.

Items: Something to keep them in ex: card board box, or a wire cage with sides covered to protect from drafts, feeder, waterer, thermometer, heat lamp and red 250 Watt bulb,  chick starter feed and bedding if not a wire floor.

The first thing is get all items setup and ready for the peeps before their grand arrival. Including getting the temp correct 24 hours before they come. Thermometer should read 95*F for the first week and decrease the temp by 5*F each week til it's at @ 70* then they can go into the coop. I use a large cardboard box and hang a heat lamp to one end of box with a red 250 watt bulb from the ceiling with a metal chain ( I don't trust the clamp). Plastic garbage bags line the bottom and then paper towels (less slippery than news paper) go on top. Pine shavings can be used instead, or if you have a wire cage which would be less messy (could lay paper towels down for the first week or so).

Feed- I use a 1 gallon waterer and an 18" feeder for the peeps, but there are smaller options out there. Start out on a chick starter, then depending on the feed directions go onto a developer feed. Some people will once or twice sprinkle a tiny bit of sand in the feeder for digestion. If your chicks had a rough trip a little sugar can be added to the water.

At around 3- 4 weeks if it's warm out (@ 70*F) and not windy you can let them play in the grass/ outside SUPERVISED preferably with a fence for a short period of time.

Personal Experience: Despite it's name chicken wire should not be used as predators can reach in and kill chickens (and leave a nasty mess behind). It's best, in my opinion, to use 1/2" square hardware cloth.

But don't take my word for it, go to your local library there's bound to be a couple great books to read up on. So, if you have questions feel free to ask!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great info! We're planning to get chickens (for the first time) this summer. I can't wait!
